Home Chess News 2015 African Junior Chess Championship 2/2

2015 African Junior Chess Championship 2/2


This is my second and final post on the 2015 African Junior Chess Championship which was concluded earlier this month in the beautiful island of Seychelles.

Read my first post 2015 African Junior Chess Championship 1/2

The great thing about the African Junior Chess Championship is that Kenya has hosted this event three times!  This was in 1992, 1993 and in 1998.  Another point that many forget is that winners of the Africa Junior get an IM title and one GM norm.

Getting information on the past African Junior is extremely difficult and I have attempted to create the database for this prestigious event.

Details of the African Junior Chess Championship

I bring you some rare photos of these past events and of course photos from Seychelles.

For starters we have a the game of Kenyan representative Joyce Nayaruai 1469 against 2013 African Junior Chess Champion Esperanca Caxita of Angola who was rated 1764 a massive 300 Elo points higher.  For your information Esperanca was the 2013 Africa Junior Champion so it was not going to be easy for our Kenyan star.

Joyce’s move of 16……g5 weakens her King side and this leads to White moving swiftly to take control of the King side.  On 27…….Nb7 is a blunder that leads to a loss of a piece.

Eden Island Marina (photo credit Sonya Nanji)

More photos of Seychelles now follow;

Central Mahe (photo credit Sonya Nanji)
Hindu temple in Seychelles – even I was surprised! (photo credit Sonya Nanji)
Lush and green (photo credit Sonya Nanji)
Paradise (photo credit Sonya Nanji)
Just so relaxing to watch the waves (photo credit Sonya Nanji)
Heaven (photo credit Sonya Nanji)

1993 African Junior Chess Championship

Now for some historic stuff.

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Poster of the 4th edition of the 1993 African Junior Championship
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1993 African Junior Chess Champion Aderito Pedro of Angola receives his prize from the late Tom Sagwe Chairman Kenya Chess Association
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IM Nascimento of Angola receives his prize for winning the first ever FIDE rated event in Kenya from Vice Chairman of Kenya Chess Association Francis Rodrigues
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Lyndon Bouah (left) & David Levy both of RSA receive their prize from Mr Rodrigues while great chess supporter Ms Srubi Shah looks on.
Final standings of the 4th edition of the African Junior Chess Championship

1998 African Junior Chess Championship

I have a newspaper article for the 1998 African Junior Chess Championship which took place in Nairobi.

Story from the East African Standard newspaper 22nd December 1998

Kenya to host African Junior Chess Championship?

I guess the question on everyone’s mind is – when will Kenya host this event again?  I would really pray that the bigwigs of Chess Kenya and the ministry officials put their heads together to bid for this event which would go a long way to promote the game in Kenya.